As soon as I was given my three words at the beginning of this project, "Matchbox", "Hired Assassin", and "Waxworks", I had a firm idea in my mind of what I wanted my story to be. I'd say that I enjoyed all the parts of this project equally but, well, then I'd be lying. The coming up with the story, the details and re-writes and re-workings of the plot, was definitely the part I found most interesting and enjoyable. Not to say I didn't enjoy the other parts at all, like creating concept art for the characters and environments, or trying to pre-vis a certain aspect of the film, I did, just not as much as being able to sit down and write.
If I had to go back and change anything I did during this project? Probably designing characters and sets whilst writing the story, as opposed to doing things one step at a time. This would have helped with speeding up the progress of the project, and would have meant that I could have got into modelling sets and actually producing a fully fledged pre-vis sequence, instead of an Animatic, and a pre-vis of a key going into a lock as a transition. My Art Of was also, admittedly, pretty lackluster, so for the next project I shall create the document when I start the project, and use it as a compendium of my progress and the evolution of my work.
Let's hope my time management will be better on the next one!