29 June 2018

Collaboration Resit - Concept

For my collaboration resit piece, I am going to be basing my animation around the Flat Earth Society. The Moom character will be giving a talk on the Flat Earth Society, trying to convince members to join. Whilst he is talking, there will be various Posters, Diagrams, and Newspaper clippings, with red string tying them all together, like this:

There will be different angles of the speaker, but we will not see the audience - this is, in a way, making the animation more "personal" and "direct" - he is speaking to just the viewer, no-one else.

As you may have seen from the previous posts, I have already given the Moom model some form of a costume - I am thinking of adding a tin-foil hat to the character, to really sell and emphasise the "conspiracy nut" angle of his character.

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