13 January 2017

Storytelling & Commission: Soundscape Images (+First Draft of Soundscape #1)

These are the 3 images I was presented with on Tuesday. At the bottom of the post I have also included a "first draft" of my soundscape for the first image.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3

The original sounds were me clinking the badges on my lanyard, rubbing a canvas bag, scrunching some plastic packaging and cracking my knuckles. After adding different reverbs, pitch shifts, chorus effects, delays and volume variations, this was my result.


  1. sounds cool! It was unsettling to listen to, but i'm guessing that's what you were aiming for? also some really interesting ways of creating sound.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I want it to be quite an unsettling piece - towards the end I played with the channels and volume of one of the effects so that if you're wearing headphones it sounds a bit like something is crawling into your ear!

  2. great to see you getting stuck in so proactively, Joe :)

  3. This is really good! I can't imagine those things making any other sound.

  4. The middle image makes me think it would start with a slow tempo then quickly go loud like an explosion, I look at the image and see a before.

    And the bottom one looks like a mix between space and electricity, so echoey spacious sounds with some buzz and static going on?

  5. really great start to the soundscape, i think you could add a few more lower base tones to round it off. Great to see that you are getting started with this!
