22 January 2017

Storytelling & Commission: Step Outline

This is the "Step Outline" for my story:
We see a celebrity standing in a room surrounded by people. They are taking photos of the celebrity. Suddenly, an arm appears around the celebrity and pulls them backwards – cut to black. Cut to another celebrity taking selfies with members of the public. Suddenly, the shelf of a sack barrel appears underneath their feet and they tilt backwards – cut to black. This happens to another celebrity, only this time we see the person doing it is shrouded in darkness, yet the light glints off a pair of glasses they are wearing – cut to black. Fade up on the last celebrity’s face, too terrified to move. They are attached to the sack barrel, with an I.D. Card hanging around their neck, and are being dragged down a corridor. The camera tilts up to see that the mysterious man is the one pulling him along. He stops, propping the celeb against a wall whilst fumbling with some keys. We can see one or two people walk past in the distance. The man opens a door and wheels the celebrity inside, closing the door behind him. 
The man props the celebrity in the sack barrow up against a wall at an angle. He fumbles about looking for something, whilst the celebrity is still too terrified to say or do anything. The man opens a draw and finds what he has been looking for – a box of matches. He takes one out of the box and lights it, sighing to himself as he does so. We finally see his face, middle aged yet wrinkled. He says “Nothing personal. I’m just doing my job” and lets out a small chuckle, before bringing the match closer. From behind him, a young man opens the door and enters the room, saying “Man, I really need to replace the lights in here. We’re all just going out for lunch, you coming?”. The older man replies “Sure thing”, blows the match out, and follows the younger man out. We are looking form the outside in, as the man closes the door, showing a sign placed on it – “Waxwork Model Melting Room”. The camera fades to black.

I feel that this is the best way I can have summed up the action in the scenes. I feel by having such few scenes in the plot, it allows the tension and suspense within the story to be more apparent.

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